Sunday, January 20, 2013

Beefman's Big Game Bite-Size BEEF Nachos

From left to right: fill scoops with ground
beef (column 1), cheese (column 2),
salsa (column 3) and top with
sour cream (column 4)
The stars aligned today as I was left in an empty house with the big screen all to myself,  plenty of beer, and the NFC Championship game on TV. There was only one thing missing from this perfect picture: Nachos!

Checking the pantry I found a bag of Tostitos Multi-Grain Scoops. In the fridge I found some leftover ground beef, a half-empty jar of Jardine's Chipotle Salsa, some pizza cheese and sour cream. Viola! Beefman's Big Game Bite-Size BEEF Nachos.

Directions: Line up 16-20 multi-grain scoops on plate (see below), fill with cooked ground beef and top with cheese, salsa and a dolop of sour cream (at left).

And there you have a quick and easy game time snack for 2-4 people (or just one if you have the house to yourself, plenty of beer, and just finished running 5.5 miles!).



Select only the best (unbroken) scoops and eat the rest :)


  1. I am hoping Jacie and Jaelin can follow these instructions and make them.

    1. They're pretty easy! I used pizza cheese because that's what we had in the fridge butI think pepper jack would be better. Of course they can use whatever cheese they like best :) Let me know how it goes.


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