Friday, October 5, 2012

Cool Running

When I woke up yesterday morning and saw Facebook posts from friends in North Dakota (yes, I have friends in North Dakota) talking about snow I was a little worried. After all, the big race I have been training for since I parked the road bike and strapped on my running shoes is this weekend in North Dakota! While its not exactly like I'm on the Jamaican Bobsled team competing at the Calgary Olympics, the thought of running in the snow in October is a bit disconcerting, even for a guy from Colorado.

Heading out for the Turkey Rock Trot on Thanksgiving day 2007 is was 17F!
The good news is there was no snow on the ground when my flight arrived in Bismarck last night. It was cold and windy (temps in the 20s last night) but no wet stuff. And the forecast for tomorrow is sunny and cold (30s). Should be great running weather. I don't mind cold as long as the sun is shining.

I have run one race in extreme cold, the Turkey Rock Trot  on Thanksgiving Day 2007 in Castle Rock, CO. I have also run in pretty extreme heat. Temps topped out over 90F during the 13.1-mile run leg of the 2007 Vineman 70.3 triathlon. I'd take cold any day!

So I think things are looking good for me to make a run at setting a new personal record in the 10K. Actually, that should be fairly easy given that my best to date at this distance (I've only run two official 10Ks) was 55:29 at the Fans on the Field 10K in 2007. But my goal tomorrow is to break 48:00. That won't be easy. Given that my personal best in the 5K is 24:09, to break 48:00 I would essentially have to run two personal best 5Ks back-to-back!

I am now headed out to check out the course with Kathy Tokach and Sheila Ressler from the North Dakota Cattlewomen, sponsors of the race. Kathy and Sheila have done a great job planning the Inaugural Beefin It Up; Fuel for the Finish 5/10K race. Later this morning I will be conducting two TV interviews today as the official spokesrunner for this is a first-of-its-kind BEEF exclusive running event! Stay tuned for details and results.

Ride on!


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