Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolve to BEEFit in 2011

According to a poll by the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, a majority of Americans (56%) will not make New Year's resolutions this year. I'm one of those people. I'm just not big on once-a-year promises that will likely be broken before the end of January. But of those who do make resolutions, I think the goals are good ones: to quit smoking (17%), lose weight (16%), spend less and save more (13%), be a better person (10%) and exercise more (8%).

Losing weight and exercising more are perennial favorites. Last year, weight loss topped the list of resolutions with 19% and exercising more was third at 10%. As I was playing Wii Fit with my wife and daughters over the holidays I had an idea. Instead of making a resolution to lose weight and exercise more, how about resolving to BEEFit?

Here's the BEEFit plan: Eat at least 3 oz. of BEEF and get at least 30 minutes of heart-pumping exercise daily.

One 3 oz. serving of beef provides about 50% of the protein you need every day, plus essential nutrients your body needs to be physically active like zinc (33%), iron (12%), and vitamins B12 (37%) and B6 (20%). Pair beef with fresh vegetables (I love to grill asparagus and red/yellow peppers alongside a steak) and you have a nutrient-rich meal to fuel your body for your next workout.

Habits, good and bad, are forming. Try it for a week...then another...and then another. Research shows it can take between 18 and 254 days for a behavior to become "automatic" -- an average of 66 days. But some habits are easier to form than others. Eating beef every day, for example, should be pretty easy. Exercising 30 mins every day may take a little longer :)

But try it, you'll like it. And before you know it you'll find yourself craving good food and a good workout. And share your goals and success stories with me here.

Next week: Setting tips for finding motivation to get up and move!

Ride on!


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