Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pulling the Trigger

Decisions, Saturday night the route for Ride the Rockies 2011 will be announced. Its a big deal in Colorado and with cyclists around the country who look forward to the annual week-long tour of the Colorado Rockies. I did RTR five years in a row from 2005-2009. Then last year I missed the deadline to enter the lottery by minutes...or seconds (I was signed in and entering my info as the deadline passed).

The 2011 Ride the Rockies is June 11-17. That same weekend, on Saturday, June 11, is an event I've wanted to do for the past two years, the Boise Ironman 70.3 triathlon. The Idaho Beef Council is one of the event sponsors and I have the opportunity to compete in the event as a member of Team BEEF Idaho.

Decisions, decisions...sometimes its better to just make them. Last year I waffled on RTR and missed the deadline. Even if you make the deadline you aren't ensured a spot. RTR is a lottery. You don't even find out if you're in until March. Boise Ironman 70.3 will fill up at some point. Its just a matter of when.

So today I decided to pull the trigger and register for Ironman Boise. Its done. I'm in! This will be my third Ironman 70.3 distance triathlon. My goal is to break six hours. My personal record at this distance is 6:06:18 set last August at Boulder 70.3 (at left).

Boise is an unusual 70.3 event, with a 2:00 p.m. start time. I'm usually finishing around 2:00. But apparently they have a great party at the finish line in Downtown Boise (I should finish around 8:00). Sounds good in theory but I just a blog by Mediocre Athlete that said the weather on the night of the 2009 race was "apocalyptically bad." He didn't like the 2:00 p.m. start and I'm not sure I wll, either. I typically train in the morning.

This will also be the earliest in the "season" that I have taken on such a big goal. Vineman 70.3 in 2007 was in July. Boulder 70.3 in 2010 was in August. Boise is in June. Can I get ready in time?

Regardless, I pulled the trigger and paid the entry fee, so don't have much choice. Time to get serious about training!

Ride on!


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