Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Where in the World is Dane?

Since we last checked in with extreme runner Dane Rauschenberg (at the Boilermaker 15K Road Race), our favorite beef-loving athlete has been a busy man (if you call running six races in six weekends busy).

[At left: Dane approaches the finish line at the Boilermaker 15K Road Race]

Then again, this is the guy who ran 52 marathons in 52 weeks. So the fact that he's only run five half marathons and a 20 mile steeplechase in the past six weeks may prompt shouts of "slacker" at his next race (not me, of course, but maybe from less sensitive fans). And if you look at his race calendar on See Dane Run you'll see that he is taking this weekend OFF from running.

So what is going on? Where in the world is Dane this weekend? Well, if you happen to be in Louisville, Kentucky, you might want to stop by the BEEF booth at the Louisville Ironman Expo and say hi. Dane will be there promoting beef with the Kentucky Beef Council.

Dane continues to talk about beef's role in his diet with other athletes via his Running Matters blog on Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine and his own own blog, See Dane Run. In fact, his post today is called Facts on Beef and is a great look at the nutritional benefits of beef.

I'm so glad I bumped into Dane on the plane on the way home from running the GO! St. Louis Half Marathon. He is a great advocate for beef and has been an inspiration to me as I trained for the Boulder Ironman 70.3 triathlon and prepare to run my first marathon this December (stay tuned for details!).

Thanks, Dane!


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