Regular readers of DDublog may remember my post on October 9, "
An Exercise in Empathy," about my friend Eldon Roush. Eldon was in a
serious bike accident in Kansas City last April that left him paralyzed from the waist down. At the time, doctors gave him a 2% chance of ever walking again.
Well, I am happy to report that Eldon is walking again (with the aid of a walker)! Eldon's story is part miracle and many parts hard work and determination. He is an inspiration to everyone who knows him and has followed his story. Here is part of the story, as told by his daughter, Emma...
My Dad had to stay in the hospital for a very long time. I didn’t get to see him very often - Maybe once a week. My Dad was very sad because he thought he would never get out of the hospital. When I came in the hospital door I was his sunshine. I brightened up his day. The only reason my Dad kept on believing was because I was his encouragement. He was determined he would travel to all my gymnastics meets. My Dad never ever gave up. He was also my encouragement in gymnastics. I was trying my hardest at gym. I wanted to impress my mom and Dad. I still am trying my hardest.
He finally got out of the hospital. A few months later, one day he was getting into the car, and he called my mom and me over. My Dad had figured out that he could move a muscle. We were so excited. At therapy he started working on moving his legs. After about two months of working he finally took his first few steps. That was the best day of my life. Now my Dad is walking around the house with a walker and he is driving. Now my Dad’s goal came true. My Dad will be able to travel to Texas, Chicago, and Arizona with me and my family. This is a life lesson to everybody. If you keep on believing, you can do anything. My Dad never gave up and neither did my family. My Dad’s latest progress is that he walked forty feet with a cane. We are so proud of him.
Makes my silly collarbone break seem, well, silly.
With Eldon's inspiration, and the support of my friends and family, I have decided to sign up for
Ride the Rockies 2008! My collarbone surgery has been scheduled for the morning of March 20. That gives me one month to train prior to surgery, three weeks of recovery, one month on a stationary bike and then, hopefully, one month on the road.
Of course, that means I have to find a bike to ride by May 15 (my 44th birthday!). There has been good progress on
my claim against Allied/Nationwide Insurance. My own insurance company, Progressive, has gone to bat for me and is working with my lawyer to resolve the case without going to court. We're thinking that with the
eyewitness account we can get Allied to accept liability and settle, which is the best hope I have for getting a new bike before May.

In the meantime I am running to keep in shape. I'm planning to do a run to the top of Denver's tallest building (at right) on February 24 called "
Run the Republic" to benefit the American Lung Association (sorry, Les, I forgot to mention this to you!). Sounds like a leg...and lung burner. Wish me luck!
It's been a bit cold and snowy to run in Denver this week, but I hope to get in some good runs in Phoenix and Austin in the days ahead (temps in the 60s!).