Saturday, September 29, 2007

Share the Road...Please!

One week ago I was sitting in the emergency room at Sky Ridge Medical Center. I'm glad I'm not there this afternoon, but I must say I'd much rather be out riding my bike than sitting at my computer posting this on my blog! The pain is now mostly discomfort and the frustration is setting in. Five more weeks to go before I can run again and several months before I can get back on a bike. By then the new Share the Road license plates should be available, reminding drivers to watch out for cyclists. Maybe this will prevent accidents like the one that put me out of commission. If you are a cyclist in Colorado or are a driver who supports the rights of cyclists to share the road with four-wheeled vehicles, you can support the cause by ordering a Share the Road license plate today. Click here for more information.

The Colorado Department of Transportation has joined the effort with the "Share the Road. Don't be a Road Hog." campaign, offering these tips for motorists:

* Focus on driving. Avoid using cell phones and other personal devices while driving.
* Keep your eye on cyclists and pedestrians. They have a right to use all the roads in Colorado unless expressly prohibited.
* Keep track of them in your rear and side mirrors.
* Slow down.

I especially appreciate the "Keep track of them in your rear and side mirrors." In my case that would have prevented the collision, I'd still be riding, and a certain silver Dodge Intrepid would still have a side mirror to keep track of cyclists!

Share the Road....please.



  1. Oh my goodness Daren!...I can't believe you were in a bike wreck-and broke your collar bone none the less! I hope you heal quickly and feel better soon. (it's a good thing you eat beef..cause the word on the street is you'll heal faster thanks to all the minerals beef provides us with!) I guess this is a good time to take er' easy :)

  2. Hey Daren! its Kristina. I just wanted to let you know that even though i might not like your meat, i do like your blog! :p

  3. This makes me sick to my stomach! I'm so glad you're okay, but miserable for you that you can't ride for many more months. Living in Chicago, I understand sharing the road with cabbies and unknowing drviers. Every time you get on your bike you think, "Is today the day I get hit?"

  4. Kristina -- You will learn to appreciate steaks medium rare when you get older. In the meantime, I promise to cook yours to medium when you come to visit me in Colorado!

    Uncle Daren

  5. Gini -- I hope you never come to that day. We are at a distinct disadvantage when we go up against a 2,000+ lb. car! Always assume the driver doesn't see you or underestimates your speed. Not many people realize we can actually travel at 30+ mph.



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