Sunday, September 21, 2008

Summer's Last Hurrah

Welcome back to DDublog! It seems like just a couple of weeks have passed since my last post, but I just looked at the date and realized it's been two months. Where did summer go?! Today is officially the last full day of summer. Tomorrow at 11:44 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time marks the Autumnal Equinox and the beginning of Fall.

Although I do lament the passing of summer, Fall is my favorite time of year in Colorado. September days are sunny and warm (great riding weather) and the nights are clear and cool (great sleeping weather). I went for a 35-mile ride yesterday followed by a hike up to Castle Rock with my daughters and our dog Casey. So I took full advantage of the final week of summer to spend as much time outside as possible!

[Above: Posing with cattle at a ranch along Hwy 105; At left: Shelby, Haley and Casey sitting under the Rock, Below: Me and Casey under the Rock]

One year ago yesterday I went for a hike up Castle Rock with my daughter and our puppy Casey. That afternoon I headed out for a short ride. A few minutes and less than two miles later I was lying on my back in the middle of an intersection with a broken collar bone. I didn't think my ride would be THAT short!

[At left: Shelby and Haley under the Rock (it's a BIG rock!)]

Yes, besides marking the end of summer, this weekend marks the one year anniversary of the day I was "right hooked" by a car as I went on a sunny Saturday afternoon ride. I celebrated by going out for a 35-mile ride. I didn't ride past the scene of the accident. Instead, I turned left on Coachline and headed towards Wolfensberger Road and Highway 105 on my normal route. Many times in the days to follow I asked myself why I went straight on Foothills Drive on that Saturday afternoon a year ago. "If only" and What if" were common thoughts.

Coincidentally, I received a check in the mail yesterday from Nationwide Insurance in payment of "property damage claims...arising out of an accident on September 22, 2007." In other words, Nationwide had a "change of heart" (after my lawyer threatened to file a suit) and admitted liability on behalf of their insured and agreed to settle my case without going to court. This all happened a while back but I've been waiting to actually receive a check before claiming victory. This check will help pay for the new bike I purchased back in March (my old bike was totaled in the accident). Of course, there's still the much larger issue of personal injury.

[Above: my new Cannondale Synapse Carbon 3 along Tomah Road (with Coyote Ridge in the background)]

I have an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon this week to check on the progress of healing from the surgery on March 18. The bone morphogenic protein seems to be doing it's job. I have a collar bone as thick as my femur! However, I'm still having issues with the nerve that runs from my right shoulder down my arm. While it's better than before the surgery, I still have constant tingling and occasional pain in my shoulder and along the entire length of my arm.

One year ago today I was sitting on my couch popping pain pills watching football. This morning I went for a 6-mile run before church then drove to Fox and Hound with Shelby to watch the Chiefs' inept attempt at ending their 11-game losing streak (a topic for another blog on another day). I couldn't have done either of those things one year ago. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, but today I am thankful for my health, Nationwide's change of heart and the change of seasons.

Ride on!
