Saturday, December 15, 2007

Snow Run

I went for a 4.5 mile run this morning in about 4" of snow that fell yesterday. It was quite cold (average temp 14.9F!) but sunny and beautiful. I saw a coyote running through the snow-covered Meadows. Wish I had my camera with me!

Below is an interactive Google map of the run, as recorded on my Garmin Forerunner 305 and logged on MotionBased. Click on "Sat" for a satellite view (obviously taken several years ago before many of the roads and houses in my neighborhood were built). Click on "Ter" for a terrain map. You can also zoom in or out. Pretty cool, eh?

Still looking for the perfect last minute gift for the runner in your family? I love my Garmin Forerunner...and they are now available online for under $200!

View Larger Map


  1. Running in four feet of snow, eh? Are you sure you are related to the rest of us? I have kept my workouts indoors for the last month due to the "cold" mornings here is Cali!


  2. Denise -- " is the symbol for inches, not feet! We had four feet of snow this week last year. Hopefully that won't happen again! Although I did enjoy snow shoeing on the ridge behind our house. Not enough snow this year to do that.



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